Sunday, May 8, 2016

Movie Stills

In the movie "The Matrix", I chose two different film stills and the first one  is a still where Neo and Mr.Smith are in mid air and the scene where Neo stops a bunch of bullets in mid flight.In the first film still the protagonist, Neo and the antagonist, Mr.Smith were in mid battle. The film still displays a lot of intensity between the two. This still to me represents the human races' last stand against the oppressive regime of artificial intelligence. Both characters are in mid air holding a handgun pointed at each other, while displaying serious faces. This shows that both sides were willing to die to achieve what they want. The second film still displays Neo using powers that he developed, while being in the martix, to stop a barrage of bullets. This makes me feel overpowered and hopeful because Neo seems stronger than he ever was and his posture displays such strength. As if He could take on anything that is thrown in his direction. I can use this as evidence of the humans trying and overcoming the tyranny of the artificial intelligence, also known as Mr.Smith.

My Research Topic

Two major topics that interest me are Research paper Idea 3: "Portraying Robots in Film" and "The Promise of Artificial Intelligence  and/or Robots vs the dangers/problems for loss of labor, etc.", which is in Research paper idea 1: Promise and Peril in Science.
I find research idea 1 interesting because there are real world applications to this problem. Situations that have happened recently fit perfectly with this problem. The movie I intend to use for the topic "Portraying Robots in Film" is "The Matrix". I am interested in this topic because I watched the movie before and enjoyed it and now I feel the movie would be perfect for the topic. Another thing that interests me about this topic is how every movie with the robot as the antagonist is just the manifestation of what human truly fear about artificial intelligence. I also find it interesting how companies are integrating artificial intelligence into the main workforce just to cut down on having to pay for employees and increase revenue.